Definition : The Luntz : A Monumental Scam Using Words : plural, luntzes :
   Inspired by the monumental lies of Frank Luntz.
     First coined by Jeffrey Feldman.

Regarding the Luntz, this short snippet of writing is excerpted from the HuffPost 20070513 :

"I've written extensively about how the Republicans have used fear to scare their way to victory (Offsite Source Article References ).
Fear is their go-to play. Mushroom clouds as smoking guns! Terror alerts any time the poll numbers take a dip!
And isn't it interesting how we have the Fort Dix arrest of the gang that couldn't jihad straight just as Bush's approval
rating hits a record low? When the president warned that if we didn't fight them over there, we'd have to fight them
over here, I never imagined that ground zero would be Circuit City."
Read full article :

The following is by Jeffrey Feldman, first defining the luntzes and describing humans in power doing the luntzes;
incredible to believe, but true. 

We now share with you selected snippets of Mr. Feldman's writings, with source link below :

First Defining of : The Luntz : A "con," a "scam," a "grift," a "boo-boo", a bunko, a flim flam.

"All these are synonyms for what street crime experts call the "Confidence Trick."
I will add one more synonym to the list: The Luntz. The Confidence Trick has many names:
Three-Card-Monte, The Spanish Prisoner, The Protection Scheme, The Free Pet Scam,
Pig-in-a-Poke, Lottery Fraud by Proxy, The Pigeon Drop, Psychic Surgery. The list is long long,
but the lure of the Luntz is always the same: easy money. Relieve the mark of his cash.
And it works just about every time.

" … nobody does it better than Flim Flam Frank. Like any good Luntz, the key is to realize that the mark cons himself.
Once a good Luntz is up and running, the only way to get out of it is to stop playing. You can't beet a flim flam artist
at their own game. If you are in their game, you are losing.

" … Ultimately, then, the only way to prevent more and more people from becoming the next victims
of the (Luntz) is to spread the word on how it works. Warn your children. Tell your friends. If you see
this scam or someone pushing it, do no't bite. Do not play along. Keep your hands and your money
in your pockets. Stop talking, keep walking."

" … Anatomy of a Luntz - Spotting the Sleight of Hand
"Ultimately, anyone can spot the [Luntz] if they just take a minute to think about these basic tricks and how they work.
Just like a sleight-of-hand magician does not really make that lit cigarette disappear into the palm of his hand,
none of these statements used in the Angry Dem Flim Flam are actually what they appear to be.
They are key acts of misdirection designed to lure the mark away from the end goal: money."

" … The key is for the flim flam artist to say something along these lines, "I know what I'm talking about because
I listen to people and you don't." The trick here is to see that this is just a tactical lie. By "listening,"
the Luntz artist means the he paid people to sit in a room and then elicited their reactions to political
language using deceptive marketing techniques. The Luntz does not listen. The Luntz pays cash for
conversation that he uses to find trigger words that he can use to run the grift. The Luntz listens not
to understand, but to learn how to deceive. Remember: The Angry Dem Flim Flam uses the "I Listen
to People" gimmick to create authority. When we hear this con, we cannot respond. Just keep walking.

"There comes a time in every grift--in every Luntz--when the con man tells the mark, "I do not want your
money." In fact, that is all he wants: your money. But the con is built on that tension between the true goal
of the con and the script. A street con will say, "Do not give me any money. I don't want it. Take this for
free and if you want to pay for it, pay me what you think it's worth." In the Angry Dem Flim Flam, this line
typically comes near the end of the con: after an angry spat has been sparked, after the authority of
"I listen to people" has been set. At this point, the Luntz then says, "I am not saying this to make money."

"...I only work for people and causes I believe in." Slippery, but easy to spot. The truth is that the Luntz
believes only in the Luntz--takes money from anyone. Money, money, money. Every scam, every flim flam,
every Luntz is about the cash, the dough, the cheddar. You have it. He wants it. Remember: The [Luntz]
is about one thing and one thing only: money. So when the Luntz says, "I only take money from people
I believe in," do not listen. Walk away."

" … Follow the Lady: Now, the heart pumping in every Luntz is misdirection: we are asked to look here
so we do not notice the scam going on over there. Three-Card-Monte is the classic. "Watch the lady!"
shouts the Luntz. The end result is that we do not think that everyone standing on the street is in on
the game, that we cannot win even if we appear to be winning. That is the game. In the "[The Luntz],"
the conversation about politics is "the Lady" we are supposed to watch. In fact, the game is about
book sales. We are not supposed to think about why the Luntz is on the talk show or why the Luntz
is talking about politics in the first place, which is: to make money. Lots and lots and lots of money.

"We are told the flim flam is about truth, honesty, understanding, issues, clarity--and that is what
we want to believe. Because we really believe in a politics that is about truth, honesty, understanding,
issues, clarity. We even work to make it so. But the Luntz is not concerned with any of that. The real
subject? Book sales. Want to know what number really concerns the Luntz, head over to
and check out the sales rank following the Maher scandal. Get 'Em Off The Street The tricky truth
about flim flam artists is that they inhabit a world we firmly believe they should be free to roam. We
believe that laws should protect citizens from scams, but ultimately we also believe that citizens must
educate themselves so as not to be suckers. So flim flam scam artists cannot just be banned by law.

" We have to make the choice to walk away from them. So that is what we should do.

" We hear the Luntz, we keep walking. Money stays in our pockets.
But even if we walk away, we have to stay on guard.
The Luntz is good at what he does and the next con, the next scam, the next boo-boo, the next flim flam -
is always just around the corner."

The above are excerpts from the full source article by Jeffrey Feldman at :

We suggest all dastardly spokesvillains to ponder well the results of their judgements assundering from their own voices.

The events of Two Thouand Seven are astounding to truth knowers and wake up calls ever increasing to liars.
The Honest T Sound Wave is real, yes it's solar, and yes it's cosmic, and yes, it is real in Tellurian's speakings.

A Snippet from the Book of Names :
This is an example of a name that is not a Luntz. 
This next name was created with Love :

.... snip ... \/ same letters, using the singular sequence :
adefmnorsw … words made from name - Lexigram sequenced : searched 20070221 : google : we are #1 / “1” : unquoted, we are ??/ 88,500,000
adefmnorsw … Women for Edwards : key within a key sequenced :: from Elizabeth's email of 200705151144
             (link broke)

adefmnorsw …name made from words - Key within a Key sequenced : created on 20070515 from two above - ku
adefmnorsw …word made from names - Lexigram sequenced : created on 20070515 from two above - ku : see : aaddeefmmmnoorrsw
.... snip .... ^ same letters : Book of Names : Copyright : : All Rights ReServed World Wise


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O! American Babushkas Hear the Peace Calls ...
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The above is authored by,
Kathy Uno - WebMistress


The address of this page is :

We expect to see the next definition released to be The Rove.  The Karl Rove.



On 20110123 we unlinked a broken link.