Greetings .. On November 27th, 2004 we began the process of
removing all traces of our Missing Persons Researches and Sharings from Good Works On Earth's site.

At this time, we work with
and share with only the following :

1) Direct relatives or BeLoveds of the Missing.
2) Highly competent investigators of the clearest hearts
who are empowered by full authority of law to be so investigating.

You are invited to contact us regarding the possibility of
our being able to help direct attention onto various paths echoing in the name itsElf.
This service has been used to help locate and so know what has
happened to a missing person with our using
only their name(s) and communications with
one of those involved in the investigation.
This work has been shared with others
to hold the hope of safe return of
the person who is missing.

If you seek our help in
seeing what can be what
with the art and the science
of the Lexigram in relation to
the name(s) of the missing
please contact us :

All Missing Persons Research is Confidential
Good Works On Earth

We invite you to visit the

We invite you to visit the
Name Art of JOHN WALSH

We invite you to visit the

We highly recommend your reading the book by
Jeanne Boylan : The Portraits of Guilt

We invite you to see more
Name Arts and Star Arts at :

This is the SMALL PRINT
These copyright-protected works are published under master licenses held by Good Works on Earth
All Rights ReServed World Wise ~ Copyright ~ All Wrongs ReVersed World Wiser


Blessings Be and Thank You

~ Kathy Uno ~
The Letters Settler

Good Works On Earth is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt,
charitable and educational non-profit organization.

Good Works On Earth
All Rights ReServed World Wise
Burnishings to the Gold Standard began on : 20051213

Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ...
It's a scream, as Americans care ...
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...
The Star Art