Subject : 20040120 : Two Thousand Four Knocks Down Our Doors : The Awakenings and Healings Upon Mother Earth
       with Her Humans : StarLightning NewsFlashes in letters, words and sentences form from Good Works On
       Earth - Copyright 2004
   Date:   Tue., 20 Jan 2004 01:04:48 -0800 (Page burnished on 20040415)
  From: Good Works On Earth
    To: Email list
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This is Good Works On Earth's message of
  *  *  One Twenty Two Thousand Four

Sweet Greetings from Good Works On Earth

Again, we say to you, we thought we had good reason to believe that the
man presiding in our Oval Office in the Lands of the Americas has seen this body
of work called the Star Arts, and, furthermore, we thought we had good reason  to
believe he has either read his Name Art or, his advisors have taken his Name Art
apart and analyzed it and are using it to advise him in these ongoing awakenings
and healings of American's and so our brothers and sisters breathing upon this
spheroid of light we call Mother Earth.

We may have been wrong, and so we have held the letter until the eve of the State of the Union address
How shall this man speak on the 20th of January, 2004?
Will he speak from his heart with truth easily spoken, or shall he render his agenda in scripted words?
Will his inner eye see the heart of America or will his eyes see only his teleprompter's scripted words?
Will his words ring the hearts of men and women world wiser, or will his lips read scripted words?
Will his voice quiver with truth about to be spoken, or will his sound be that of the scripted words?
Will his lips identify who wrote his speech to Americans this year or just their scripted words.
Will his lips betray his agenda in reversals or will his heart shine while he reads his script of his heart's words to Americans?

We received this note regarding our "Commons" which is being squandered still.
Here, it is the last notes, referred to as the international commons.

Keep your eye out ... and be active as you wish ... our commons are being raped.
Our airs, our waters, our forests, mountains and streams are being gutted of life ...

All the while, those who destroy do not seem to know ... Love is the gig.
Love is the source of all that is.  Love is the energy powering the universes' energies
all.  With this awareness in mind, please read this sentence with gentle peace in your
heart ....

"Violence can only be concealed by a lie,
and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method
is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle."
                                     -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The United States of America created Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.
The United States of America empowered him to kill in mass methods.
The Republicans Baptists & Christian Democrats are as guilty as Saddam
his Republican Baathists and their premier military, the Republican Guard,
all names in their ends of days.

I personally forgive America for her mis takes.  Her politicians ails can heal.
I personally forgive Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.  He was on the road to healings, sans weapons.
I personally forgive George Walker Bush for his Christian Racist Acts and their Jesuit Justice death penalty
 and their christian imprisonment's so rampant.
I personally forgive George Herbert Walker Bush, his father, for his crimes against humanity, all the while looking and
 sounding so righteous.
I personally forgive Prescott Bush and his father's fathers, for their crimes of rapacious greeds, all.

Be that as it may, I do not agree with the charades and dramas our political machines have given us in the name of
 governance of nations with sanity. Weapons of mass destruction's are most at home in America, for this is where they
 come from. Ponder this last sentence well, weaponeers and media folks who glorify these creations.

Do you personally know how much one nuclear submarine costs to build?
Do you know how much it costs to maintain every day, day in and day out, in safe condition?
Do you know how many nuclear powered submarines the United States of America is harboring?
Oh, were it to be those man and women hours of creations were to have been of building homes and corner grocery stores
 and learning centers and organic gardens throughout our country while we empower the hydrogen web with Mother Earth's
 natural forces for the source energy to distill the hydrogen.
One submarine not built per state budget would go a loooooooooooooong way in our prosperity's.
Oh! I hear the shouts of the Happy Hats clamoring for protection from those who would do us harms and I say to these
 Bush Master XL 5012 owners ... Imprison a human, and you become imprisoned yourself and your paid gendarmes,
 same name in the end.  And the stories of their violence's against humans is long told elsewhere, as is the story of the
 mercenaries.  I refer to the fact that these Star Arts are released in Letters Let Seer See.

A line from that manuscript ...
Bless All Goddesses Who Know The Powers of Their Lips
for from this ~ all forms come into being

We have seen how the man sometimes sitting in America's Oval Office wants wars, not diplomacy as a statesman.

Now that he has his WARS
He  now  wants  his MARS

Grand political gestures while our budget lets Americans eat cake.
The Forester at Oregon State University who can reforest Afghanistan easily gets no funding ... while
the men and women who build bombs and bullets get millions, nay! billions to prepare to destroy.
This just in ..

Subject:  Bush Aims for Mars to Dominate Space Militarily
   Date:   Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:19:33 -0500 (EST)
  From:    The Daily Mislead <
    To:     Good Works On Earth



President Bush unveiled his proposal for a new space program Wednesday by
invoking the spirit of explorers Lewis and Clark, saying, "They made that
journey in the spirit of discovery . . .America has ventured forth into
space for the same reasons"   But the president didn't mention that members
of his administration view space as the next frontier for military buildup
and conquest.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld chaired the Commission to Assess United
States National Security Space Management and Organization four years ago,
releasing its findings in January 2001. Rumsfeld report found that "we
know from history that every medium -- air, land and sea -- has seen
conflict. Reality indicates that space will be no different."  The panel
also concluded that "given this virtual certainty, the [United States] must
develop the means both to deter and to defend against hostile acts in and
from space."

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld chaired the Commission to Assess United
States National Security Space Management and Organization four years ago.
Rumsfeld was announced as Bush's choice for DoD Secretary weeks before the
commission releasing its findings in January 2001. Rumsfeld report found
that "we know from history that every medium -- air, land and sea -- has
seen conflict. Reality indicates that space will be no different."  The
panel also concluded that "given this virtual certainty, the [United States]
must develop the means both to deter and to defend against hostile acts in
and from space."

The president's focus on space exploration because it "improves our lives,
and lifts our national spirit." However, behind the scenes, USA Today
reported that Bush was persuaded to move forward in part due to the military
benefits, as promoted to him by Vice President Cheney.   The Center for
American Progress' Progress Report yesterday noted an appearance by
Republican Congressman Tom Fennel on Scar borough Country where he stated,
"Somebody is going to dominate space.  When they do, just like when the
British dominated the naval part of our globe, established their empire,
just like the United States has dominated the air superiority, ultimately,
whoever is able to dominate space will be able to control the destiny of the
entire Earth."

Fennel's comments echo Panic's September 2000 report Rebuilding America's
Defenses, which said, "Much as control of the high seas - and the protection
of international commerce defined global power in the past, so will control
of the new "international commons" be a key to world power in the future."

Read the Mis-Lead --

Do you have your tickets to WESAK 2009?

Breathe the earth's breaths and be well,

Will I AM
Keeper of the Words Sword
Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation performing our namesake

This message will be posted at :

Every message from Good Works On Earth
 goes to the White House, 185 countries at the United Nations,
 and also governors, senators and congress persons, publishers,
 editors, authors, investigators, researchers and responders,
 television news anchors, and other media production folks,
 to speak nothing of angels all about Mother Earth.
Our full mailing list today contains many wise and aware
 people and we thank you for being here and reading with care.

Our prior messages are posted here :

Copyright 2003
 Good Works On Earth
  All Rights ReServed World Wise
   All Wrongs ReVersed World Wiser

"By meditation upon light and upon radiance, knowledge of the spirit can be reached
and thus peace can be achieved."        --     Patanjali

We invite you to view a stellar watercolor art, entitled ...

               Keeper of the Stars
                              by :
                       Nancy Bright
           You can procure exquisite prints, greeting cards,
           bookmarks and window stickers of her arts here  :

Keeper of the Stars
Keeper of the Stars
by :
Nancy Bright
You can procure exquisite prints, greeting cards,
bookmarks and window stickers of her arts here  :

"By meditation upon light and upon radiance, knowledge of the spirit can be reached
and thus peace can be achieved."        --     Patanjali

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This is a Good Earth Works Web Page

This is a Peace On Earth Good Will All website
We are a Good Earth Works Network
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We are Good Works On Earth dot org
Welcome to the Web of Love
Home of the Letters Settler

Blessings Be and Thank You

~ Kathy Uno ~
The Letters Settler

Good Works On Earth is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt,
charitable and educational non-profit organization

Good Works On Earth
All Rights ReServed World Wise
Burnishings to the Gold Standard began on : 20051213

This page was last updated in some way on : 20090110

Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ...
It's a scream, as Americans care ...
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...
The Star Art
The Song