Subject: Name Art of OPRAH WINFREY, our letter to the Associated Press,
        Swami Beyondananda - StarLightning News Flashes from Good Works On
        Earth - Copyright 2003
   Date:   Tue, 1 Apr 2003 08:14:33 -0800
   From:  William F. Schive Executive Director Good Works On Earth
     To:     Mailing List at lexigram @

          *  This is Good Works On Earth's
      *                  message of
  *         Four One Two Thousand Three
**       Main Attraction : the Name Art of OPRAH WINFREY
       ********    The healings are imminent .. you can help them arrive.
          **************         Please peacefully read therein.
         **********************           You will know.

Sweet Greetings from Good Works On Earth

We are proud to share with you a Name Art that has been in progress
for over three years ... the rendering is quite long and the healings
become more and more powerful as you read along to the very end.

Oprah Winfrey is a woman who is helping to awaken and heal America.
Her work is stellar, and so is her Name Art.
This is a gift of the stars themsElves to Oprah :

Our thank you to Oprah for her good works on earth.

Swami Beyondananda's take on the  prayer vigil April 1, 2003

Tomorrow -- April 1st at 11:00 am EST (8:00 am Pacific time)-- there
will be a worldwide prayer for George Bush to be 'struck by
enlightening' and become the heart centered leader that America -- and
the world -- needs right now.  Yes, I know what you're thinking.  But
the Course in Miracles says that 'There is no order of difficulty when
it comes to miracles.'  And if it works -- just think about how
impressive it would look on God's resume!

As to how to pray, it's up to you.  My beloved Guru, Harry Cohen Baba,
was a Jewish guy with a Hindu ashram who also prayed to Buddha and
Jesus.  I once asked him about it, and he said, 'Listen boychick, when
it comes to praying, any of them could be right, so why put all your
begs in one askit?'

Me, I like the Buddhist form of Tonglen where you breathe in the pain of
the world, and breathe out love.  It's sort of like the tree taking in
carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.  Our prayers can 're-oxygenate' the
world and actually improve the atmosphere... supply-side spirituality, I
call it.   Pray it Forward!
Go to that link, follow the direction at the top, and you will see the current healings in progress.

Our letter to the Associated Press on 03-31-2003

Pro Troops - Anti War

Greetings Associated Press,

Your reporting using the terminology Pro Troops - Pro War,
is very misleading.  I am a veteran of the submarine service
and I tell you flat out, I am pro troop, and anti war.

Mr. Bush has led our country into an unprovoked war.
I am against this war, and my heart is with the troops who have
been put into harms way for all the wrong reasons.

Please stop equating supporting our men and women in uniform
with being in favor of the war.... the two don't necessarily go together.

Bless your work in reporting the facts of this unconscionable war.

William F. Schive
Executive Director
Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation performing our namesake

We are awakening and healing America.   Pass the healings, please.

Thank you for being aboard The StarLightning Express.

Will I Am
Executive Director
Good Works On Earth

Letter Perfect Palindrome
Copyright 2003
Please feel free to share these five lines freely
Please keep all five lines unchanged in the sharing

It is in the soundings, and the spellings.
Our language is sacred
Those four words were inspired by Richard Wiget of Delta9 Clothing

Visit the Star Art of ARMAGEDDON


Visit the Star Art of SHOCK AND AWE

 Yeshua ben Joseph is reported to have said,
   "The power of life and death are in the tongue."

Visit us at :

Please share this message with any you know are of a Loving heart and
who can claim peace is real despite the lies still extant upon Mother Earth
with a few of her clans and tribes and religions.

nota bene : Every soul upon Mother Earth is of a Loving heart ... some still do not know
this and so they still dramatically act their liar dramas.

Hear the news with Dan Rather

My prayer for Christopher  :
'Christopher William Samples comes home to his mother's lap
so the two are with peace with their hearts.
So be it.
So it is.'
Just as Elizabeth Ann Smart is now sharing her tale of healings,
so too will Christopher return home to his mother.
[Editor Note: Christopher came home safe and sound.

To subscribe to the Good Works On Earth mailing list :
Say the word : Contact Us
Include a note letting us know how you found us.

To be removed from these mailings, simply reply using the words remove or unsubscribe in your reply.   Swifter than an omega pison you will be hestory re our mailings while we wish you peace upon the paths of your friendships. Say the word : Contact Us Include a note letting us know why, if you will.
We are not perfect and your feedback may change things for the better here.

And remember to dance a bit now and then, even a little jig.
You might say we are the Dancing Fools at :

Our previous message sharing the April One meditation and
the List of Independent States is available at this link:

To see one of our historical indexes of our sharings,
visit this link :

This full message can be shared with this link :

Good Works On Earth

All Rights ReServed World Wise
All Wrongs ReVersed World Wiser
Posting date : 20030401
Link repair on : 20030607
Link repair on : 20030905
Fixed minor unseen HTML error on : 20040811
Statistics added on 20051126 :
Note : you can see Oprah Winfrey on the David Letterman Show on December 1st, 2005
Burnishings to the Gold Standard began on : 20051213
This page was last updated in some way on : 20081221
Then again on 20140704 to remove a discontinued service.

Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS
It's a scream, as Americans care.
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...
The Star Art